Discounted Air Travel to Ghana

We travel to Ghana from North America, Europe, South-east Asia and the Middle East.  The African or Ghana route is the most expensive routes to travel by air compared to any other air routes.  It’s a combination of several factors that give rise to the highest air travel costs.  Our government charges too much air tariffs against the airline companies and they have to add on those charges for consumers to pay. However, we pay for anything without question because we’re powerless – we have no united front to bargain for anything with either our government or the airline companies.

That’s why we have been taken for granted and roped into accepting anything, no questions asked. Our organization will bargain for low air travel costs to Ghana by working with the Ghana government to reduce the tariffs and for the airlines to be reasonable with their charges.  Only a united front with a bigger membership audience can succeed in fighting for our legitimate rights.