
Negotiating for Cheaper airfares
We travel to Ghana from North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. The routes to Africa, especially to Ghana, are among the most expensive for air travel. This high cost is due to several factors, including excessive air tariffs imposed by our government on airline companies, which are then passed on to consumers. Despite these high costs, we often pay without question because we lack a united front to negotiate with either our government or the airline companies. This has led to a situation where we are taken for granted and forced to accept these high prices without challenge.

Our organization aims to negotiate lower air travel costs to Ghana by working with the Ghanaian government to reduce tariffs and encouraging airlines to adopt more reasonable charges. A united front with a larger membership base is essential to successfully advocate for our legitimate rights.
To address these issues, we propose the following action plan:
1. Conduct thorough research on air travel costs to Ghana compared to other destinations.
2. Analyze the breakdown of fees and tariffs imposed by the government.
3. Engage with airline companies to understand their pricing structures.
4. Form a coalition of frequent travelers, diaspora communities, and local businesses.
5. Launch a public awareness campaign about the high costs of air travel to Ghana.
6. Petition the government to review and reduce air tariffs.
7. Negotiate with airlines for more competitive pricing.
8. Explore alternative travel options and routes to increase competition.
9. Advocate for improved airport infrastructure to reduce operational costs.
10. Collaborate with tourism boards to promote Ghana as a destination, potentially increasing demand and lowering prices

By implementing these strategies, we aim to:

  • Reduce air travel costs to Ghana by at least 20% within the next two years
  • Increase tourism and business travel to the country
  • Strengthen ties between Ghana and its diaspora communities
  • Improve the overall economic impact of air travel on Ghana's economy We believe that through collective action and persistent advocacy, we can make air travel to Ghana
    more affordable and accessible for all.

Hotel Discounts
We will negotiate hotel discounts for our members when they travel to Ghana, as well as within Europe and North Africa. This is a common practice among reputable organizations worldwide.
Business Registrations in Ghana Many Ghanaians living abroad want to start their own businesses in Ghana. However, those who have attempted this know how frustrating and inconvenient the business registration process can be. Our organization will facilitate business registrations for its members, making the process hassle-free.
Regular fees and service charges will apply.
Additional Services
GGI will assist members in accessing:

  • Attorneys/Lawyers in Ghana
  • Reliable Contractors
  • Reliable Transportation Carriers

Investment commitment/Venture Capital Group

Each person who becomes a member will commit to investing a minimum of $500 per year for the next 10 years. Investment options will be reviewed after 3 years at the $500 level. Each $500 investment will buy one unit of ownership in the for-profit Venture Capital Group, known as the Ghana Global Development Group. This means that all members will ultimately become investors in the Venture Capital Group. There is no limit to the number of units or the amount a member/investor can purchase. The more units a member/investor holds, the greater their control and dividend sharing percentage in the company.

Members also have the option to pay the $5,000 commitment upfront to secure higher returns on their investment. Additionally, there is no maximum limit on investment in the venture capital group; contributions of $1 million or more are welcome. By setting the entry investment as low as $500 per year, we aim to encourage as many members as possible to participate in the venture capital.

To become a member, please create a username and password. You will then be directed to fill out an online application and pay your initial membership fee for 2025 by the end of December 2024. From that point forward, only members in good standing will have access to the full details of the program. Members will be able to view detailed information about the projects, including the new and modern city that the venture funds will help build.

Enrolling Members for Ghana’s Development

We aim to enroll up to 10% of the population of Ghana. Research shows that approximately 10% of the population in developed nations drive the nation’s progress. For example, America’s development was significantly influenced by families like the Rockefellers, Kennedys, and Fords, who invested in productive sectors and created lasting wealth and legacies. Similarly, Ghana needs a dedicated group to make a significant impact on our nation’s development. Our goal is to become that catalyst for change.

Our governments often propose grand development plans but struggle to achieve them, as they rely heavily on funding from the IMF and World Bank, which comes at a high cost. This is where we step in, aiming to shape Ghana’s future through real development, while also creating wealth and a legacy for ourselves.

We are seeking the 10% of Ghanaians and people of Ghanaian heritage, including African Americans who wish to settle in Ghana, and individuals from all walks of life who love Ghana and want to see it reach its full potential. We will call this the 3.4 Million Economic Force Movement (3.4 MEFM), dedicated to bringing real economic and social change to Ghana.

We need substantial economic progress that will positively shape Ghana’s future. To seek political power and social power, one must have economic power. We must demonstrate our worth and capability to improve the livelihoods of our fellow Ghanaians. Empty promises and divisive tactics will not achieve this. Only a united economic effort can make a significant difference for Ghana and for ourselves.

Significant investment from Ghanaians is essential. Consider the recent difficulty Ghana faced in securing a $400 million IMF loan. In contrast, we can easily raise $500 million if 1 million people each invest $500 in our first year alone. Imagine the impact of investing $500 million annually over the next 10 years in productive sectors.

We cannot allow the IMF or foreign aid donors to dictate our nation’s destiny. We must take charge and move Ghana toward prosperity. The success of countries like China and Malaysia, driven by determined individuals and favorable government policies, shows us what is possible. Ghana, with its abundant natural and human resources, can achieve similar success.

Many respected figures, including African-American leaders and clergy like T.D. Jakes, have urged Ghanaians to contribute to the nation’s development. President Kennedy’s famous quote, “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country,” is particularly relevant here.

While remittances from Ghanaians abroad amount to billions of dollars annually, much of this money goes into consumer spending rather than productive investments. We need to channel a portion of these remittances into manufacturing and service sectors to create wealth and reduce unemployment. Governments alone cannot provide the necessary jobs; only the private sector can drive significant employment and economic growth.

We call on our government to create a conducive environment for private sector growth, remove obstacles, and ensure legal and institutional support for economic development. With these measures in place, Ghana can emerge as a leading nation on the global stage.