About Us

About Us

Welcome to Ghana Global Initiatives, a dedicated non-profit membership organization committed to fostering economic development in Ghana. Our mission is to empower our members through sustainable initiatives that enhance economic opportunities, improve infrastructure, and promote education and healthcare. By leveraging local resources and engaging with community and national leaders, we aim to create a lasting impact that drives progress and elevates the standard of living for all Ghanaians. Please join us in our mission to build a brighter, more prosperous future for beloved Ghana.

Office in Ghana

A separate non-profit will be incorporated in Ghana to meet appropriate legal requirements in Ghana. Both membership organizations will operate from the same office in Ghana. The Ghana non-profit will receive most of its funding from the main US office organization as grants to undertake specific purposes for the organization.  Members in Ghana will pay their fees in GHC to the Ghana non-profit organization.  The Ghana non-profit will lead the way to acquire the property that will be used to build the New City. All major activities that will be undertaken in Ghana will fall under the umbrella of the Ghana non-profit organization.

Our Mission

The Ghana Global initiative will contribute to charitable causes some of which will be to alleviate extreme poverty and sicknesses and improve educational standards in Ghana in the hope of turning Ghana into a first-class advanced country.


We are seeking to enroll up to the equivalent of 10% of the population of Ghana.  Research shows that about 10% of developed nation’s nationals carry the burden of the entire nation.  For example, America is built around the Rockefellers, Kennedys, Fords etc. – those who had foresight to invest in productive sectors of their country’s economies and created wealth in the process.  They are dead and gone but their fortunes, names and legacy still go on.  Similarly, Ghana needs a group that is determined to make a huge impact in the development of our nation Ghana.  We want to become that change group. Our Governments can say and put down all the grandiose development plans they can think of. But they can’t reach any level of success if all that they can do is want to rely on the IMF/World Bank to fund such development projects.  They are powerless because they can only afford to borrow to fund such development efforts and it comes with a huge price.  That’s where we step in with a big bang to help determine and direct the future of Ghana through real development and also make money and a name for ourselves in the process.

We are seeking this 10% Ghanaians and people of Ghanaian heritage, African Americans who want to settle in Ghana and people from all walks of life who love Ghana and want it to develop to its fullest potential to become the core members of a future venture capital unit to invest in Ghana. We will call this the 2.4 Million Third Force Movement to bring real economic and social change in Ghana.

We need real economic progress – tsunami type economic progress that will positively shape the economic and social development of our dear country, Ghana. We must show the people of Ghana what we are worth and what we can bring to the table to affect their livelihood as a group.  Empty talk will not do it.  Wasting our talents and energies to insult each other on Ghanaweb forums will not do it. Tribalism that has been perpetrated by our leaders clandestinely to divide our people will not do it. I cannot do it, you can’t do it alone and none of us alone can do it but we can easily do it collectively to make a difference in Ghana and for all Ghanaians and in the process make money and a name for ourselves and posterity. It requires all meaningful Ghanaians with a clear mindset to make a difference for posterity.

Significant investment from Ghanaians themselves – The “Bretton Woods” type infusion of capital – is the only solution for Ghana.  For example look at how difficult it was for Ghana to seek an IMF Loan of $400m in recent past.  But we can easily raise $500 M with 1M persons each chipping in $500 minimum level of investment in our first year alone. Look at how $500 M per year at a minimum for the next 10 years can do in Ghana if it’s prudently invested in productive sectors outlined in the commercial activities that the Venture Capital Group will undertake below.  Dear fellow would be Ghanaian investors, we can’t sit to allow the IMF or Foreign Aid Donors to dictate our nation’s destiny. Let us catch the bull by the horn and move our nation forward into prosperity.

The Chinese and the Malaysians have shown the way. Those countries have turned the corner for prosperity because a few determined folks who lived abroad and decided to invest, together with private and equity capital from U.S. companies, in their otherwise shaky economies of their countries plus the willingness of their governments to create conducive environments for economic take-off has reaped the benefits they are enjoying now. A slew of export opportunities followed and now China is exporting anything you can think of to us and other African countries and we’re watching them succeed while we go under. There are countless opportunities in Ghana to turn things around for our country. We Ghanaians are imbued with knowledge, wisdom, kindness and abundant natural resources and human resources to do similar things. It’s possible no one has led the way yet for something like this magnitude.  This is our chance to cease the opportunity make a big difference for Ghana.

Many well-meaning Ghanaians, plus African- American leaders and clergy who have visited Ghana, such as T.D Jakes have all recommended that each Ghanaian must play a part to develop Ghana.  The famous quote from President Kennedy of the US – ask not for what your country should give you but rather ask what you can do for your country is aptly applied here.  It is a fact that remittances from Ghanaians in the Diaspora to Ghana tank several billions of US $ a year.  While this has helped to take care of loved ones – its impact is not widely felt because a large proportion of the remittances do not go into productive sectors. It largely goes into consumerism, such as funeral and festive celebrations, but such activities do not create wealth. We, therefore, need a more purposeful way to garner only a part of such remittances into huge productive manufacturing and service sectors which is nil in Ghana. It is for this reason that Ghana continues to have huge unemployment of graduates.  There are graduates who have left our Universities and Colleges for the past five years who can’t find any job.  That’s pathetic. We must understand that no matter the promises our governments make in Ghana about providing employment for its citizens they can’t because governments in any country do not provide and can’t provide the jobs.

It is only the private sector that will and create the much needed jobs to grow the middle class in Ghana. Government jobs are unproductive and in most cases a waste of our scarce resources.  All we ask from our governments is for them to create the conducive environment, remove undue burden or obstacles that hinder a take off by the private sector, see that the legal environment and other institutional structures of government that promote economic development are there and working and Ghana will bounce back as a leading nation on the global arena.
